Monday, December 30, 2019

Automated Design And Modelling Of Knuckle Joint - 1430 Words

AUTOMATED DESIGN AND MODELLING OF KNUCKLE JOINT ABSTRACT This paper shows the methodology of developing an application for design process of machine element making a Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) in the visual basic interfacing with the solid works to automate the task of repetitive design process and design models, while reusing and modifying the existing designs in a Computer Aided Design (CAD) environment. The presented work shows the procedure for developing KBE tools for standard design process of machine element and mechanical /engineering parts and assemblies based on the empirical relations. With the proposed methodology and the developed Graphic User Interface (GUI), it is possible to achieve direct interaction between†¦show more content†¦KBE is a system or process which collects and stores and organizes this knowledge and makes it available in the reusable form by providing computational support to the design process. The need of KBE arouse due to problems in current knowledge structure, which is disorganized. Existing databases, designs, thumb rules, etc. are not maintained in order, which makes the reusability difficult. Current knowledge structure is not secure also, as the databases that are not prepared centrally are susceptible to changes by other designers and loose reliability. Capturing knowledge is essential, but capturing the knowledge that is not necessary would lead to confusion and decrease effective reusability. KBE systems solve all the problems which are indicated above. KBE allows designers to devote more time and effort in creative and the innovative work and makes design process simpler. KBE system automatically extracts the given necessary knowledge from every stage of design cycle, and makes this knowledge available for remaining design cycles. KBE system allows capturing and organization of knowledge in an efficient manner. With the application of KBE, it is possible to an alyze the possibility of manufacturing any part, knowing whether design is optimal or there are other alternative solutions available based on the designer. The objective of the present work is to develop methodology for automating

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Great Depression Dbq Essay - 714 Words

Great Depression DBQ Essay Imagine this. You wake up one morning in the year 1929, in your luxurious, pricey mansion. You then make your way downstairs to eat that nice big breakfast. Then you kiss your family good bye and head off to your fancy job. You come home that evening and suddenly you’re flat broke. Meaning all your money and life’s savings vanished. Unreal right? Well it was real for hundreds of families on October 29, 1929. The day the stock market crashed and when America’s confidence was challenged greatly. Such an event caused many problems in the country. The first problem had been that when banks lost tons of money due to the stock market crash, they also lost the life’s savings of so many hard†¦show more content†¦It aided to the problem America had when people lost their life’s savings because of an irresponsible choice their bank had made. The F.D.I.C insured savings accounts in banks approved by government. If one of those banks fails, the government would promise depositors that they would receive their money. Many other solutions similar to the F.D.I.C were created which was shown in document 6. But, some of the ones that solved the issue of unemployment were Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A), Civilian Conservation Corps (C.C.C), Works Progress Administration (W.P.A), Rural Electrification Administration (R.E.A), and the Tennessee Valley Authority (T.V.A). They all had different tactics at going towards the solution of the unemploym ent epidemic. For example, the Works Progress Administration would put the jobless to work by doing many things like building airports, playgrounds, parks, schools, and hospitals and also becoming photographers, artists, actors, writers, and composers. Another solution to one of the problems was â€Å"kitchens† being opened up by various individuals or groups. Many starving families would send out a member to bring the free food home from these kitchens. They would wait outside of the building in very long lines just to get a simple small meal, which was shown, in document 4. Although the problems weren’t completely gone, there were certainly numerous attempts at solving or reducingShow MoreRelatedAp Exam Essays1660 Words   |  7 PagesAP Exam Essays 2001-2010 2010 AP Exam Essays 1. In what ways did ideas and values held by Puritans influence the political, economic, and social development of the New England colonies from 1630 through the 1660s? 2. Analyze the political, diplomatic, and military reasons for the United States victory in the Revolutionary War. Confine your answer to the period 1775–1783. 3. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Other Side of Truth Free Essays

‘The Other Side of Truth’ is a novel written by author, Beverly Naidoo. The novel is mainly based on telling the truth and lying, and when it is right to do either. In the book are various types of situations where characters need to make a decision on whether to lie or to tell the truth. We will write a custom essay sample on The Other Side of Truth or any similar topic only for you Order Now Beverly Naidoo provides the correct decisions and the wrong ones in the story. Naidoo shows in the novel, when it is ok to lie and when it is not. Naidoo suggests that if your life is in danger it is considered ok to lie, but if you assume your life is still in danger when it’s actually not you might accidently lie to the wrong people. Naidoo displays this when Sade and Femi find the father in a detention centre and ask him why he is not able to come back home with them. Folarin says that he cannot because Sade lied about who they were to the officials. Now the officials do not believe Folarin when he says that they are his kids. There is a sthrong message that sometimes one lie is ok in the right circumstances, but consecutive lies could end you up in a lot of trouble. An important quote from the book states this idea, â€Å"A lie has seven winding path, the truth has one straight road. pg. 148. Lying could be a very dangerous thing, telling the truth is the best way to go, but even the truth can land you in trouble. The truth is a very powerful thing, it is important that you tell it, this is portrayed by Naidoo in her novel. Naidoo has based the whole novel around the truth. In the story it is used when it should and shouldn’t be. Folarin Solaja is the main protagonist in the novel when it comes to the i mportance of telling the truth. He states several quotes about how important in his mind, it is to tell the truth. How to cite The Other Side of Truth, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Current State of the Australian Economy-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Prepare a report on the current state of the Australian economy and compare its performance with state of the economy in August 2016. Answer: Introduction: The objective of this analysis is to gain in depth understanding of the Australian economy in terms of the macroeconomic environment. The analysis will facilitate comparative study of Australian economy for the economic year of 2016 with the year 2017 (Connell 2016). The analysis will be performed with the help of the economic indicators such as economic growth (GDP) of Australia, rate of unemployment, inflation rate and in the areas of trade. The analysis will also lay down the three chief issue faced by the Australian economy consisting of new system of taxation, prevailing rate of wages in Australia and increase in the population. GDP of Australia from 2016-2017: The GDP of a nation can be defined as the aggregate values of the goods and service that is generated inside the territorial boundaries of a nation during a particular time, generally one economy year (Taussig 2013). GDP is usually measured with the help of present price levels (Nominal GDP) along with the real price levels, which is commonly known as Real GDP. The Australian economy enjoys a strong GDP with an average of 1343.6 billion in USD ( 2017). A large part of this contribution is received from the constant rise in the expenditure of the consumers in Australia. Figure 1: Figure Illustrating GDP Growth Rate of Australia from 2016 to 2017 (Source: 2017) From the above stated graph, it can be defined that the economy of Australia recorded a relatively negative trend in growth in the year October 2016. However, the economy of Australia recovered from a slowing growth to report a growth of GDP by 1.1% in the first quarter of 2017 ( 2017). Following the first quarter of 2017, the GDP growth rate of Australia marginally declined by 0.3% but subsequently gained by 0.8% in the second quarter of June 2017. The rise in the statistics of GDP is largely contributed by the mining industry that specifically stood AUD $29393 million of the GDP during the first quarter of 2017. Another significant factor that contributed to the growth of the GDP of Australia is the increase in the consumption expenditure of the household sector ( 2017). Findings from the report suggest that there is a rise in the spending of discretionary segments that primarily comprised in the areas of natural gas and electricity. The reported increase in the spending of the housing sector stood 0.5% that ultimately contributed to the fall in the rate of domestic savings in Australia by 4.7%. In the current stage, investment only accounts for 0.4% of the growth ( 2017). Besides these elements, there has been a reported instances of increase in the areas of medical and social service with reported changes in the inventory also contributing to the increase in the GDP of Australia as inventories were recorded at AUD $2069 million by the end of the first quarter of 2017. As forecasted by the Reserve Bank of Australia, Australian economy is projected to witness a growth of approximately 3% by the end of the economic year of 2017. A large part of the growth of Australian economy is projected to be arising from the post mining flourishing conditions. Variations in Unemployment rate from 2016 to 2017: Unemployment can be defined as the number of individuals willing to work but are unable to find employment concerning the population of the country (Frank, Bernanke and Lui 2015). The varying dynamics of the Australian Unemployment can be analysed from the below listed graphical representations; Figure 2: Figure Illustrating Rate of Unemployment: Australia from 2016 to 2017 (Source:, 2017) Findings from the above stated graphical represents states that the economy of Australia has been performing exceptionally well in this segment. Statistical reports suggest that the rate of unemployment has decreased positively from 5.9% in the month of June 2016 to 5.6% by the end of July ( 2017). The growth employment is largely attributed to the changes in the labour market and introductions of new types of work has contributed immensely to the fall in rate of unemployment. In the recent years, reports suggest that there has been a large influx of part time employment in Australian economy that eventually contributed to the increase in the scope of the flexible and mobile employment search in the economy (Sloman, Norris, and Garrett 2013). In spite of the fact that the full-time employment in the economy has declined however to minimise the effect, part-time employment has managed to offset such decline by the end of the first quarter of 2017. In the current year, numerical reports have stated that 239,373new jobs have been created with large part of those figures is attributed towards the part-time employment ( 2017). This influx of part-time employment has simultaneously reduced the rate unemployment in Australia significantly. The policies of taxation undertaken by the Reserve Bank of Australia has increasingly contributed to the labour force participations in the present year of 2017. In spite of the fact that the rate of unemployment has declined, yet there prevails the problem of lower rate of wages. Such lower rate of wages is primarily due to the International Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 together with significant amount of migration of domestic workforces (Case, Fair and Oster 2014). Nevertheless, a comparatively lower rate of unemployment in the current year of 2017 reflects that the policies of the government are correctly implemented to a significant extent to reduce the rate of unemployment in the country. Comparison of Inflation rate of Australia from 2016 to 2017: Inflation can be defined as the regular increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy during a particular time that directly leads to decline in the overall purchasing power of the residents of that economy (Gregory and Smith 2016). The rate of inflation is measured by the ABS by taking account of the Consumer Price Index of a nation. Figure 3: Figure Illustrating a Comparison of rate of inflation from 2016 to 2017 (Source:, 2017) The reported rate of inflation in Australia stood 1.9% by the end of June 2017. The current rate of inflation can be considered to be considerably higher than the previous year of 2016 that stood at 1% ( 2017). The increase in the rate of inflation can be attributed to the decline in the rate of unemployment with subsequent increase in the demand and consumer spending. The increase in the consumer price index is primarily due to the increase in the price of the goods and service and education segment that had direct impact on the inflation (Argy and Nevile 2016). An assertion can be put forward that the standard of the living of the citizens is affected because of the rise in the inflation rate in Australia. Balance of trade of Australia from 2016 to 2017: The balance of trade of a nation is measured by taking in to the considerations the differences between the export and import value of the supplies (Connell 2016). The current balance of trade of Australia at the end of the first quarter of 2017 stood $888 billion. This provides an indication that there is a higher value of import and export carried out by Australia. Figure 4: Figure representing Balance of Trade comparison from 2016 to 2017) (Source:, 2017) As evident from the above stated graphical representations it can stated that there is huge increase in the areas of both export and import. Due to such increase the balance of trade has considerably increased from 90.2% for the year July 2016 to 103.6 index points in the year July 2017 ( 2017). Current account: The current account comprises of the aggregate sum of the net income from the overseas net transfer (current) and the balance of trade. The sum increased stood $-15.426 million for the year 2016 June to -$9.562 for the period of June 2017. The increase is mainly attributed to the strong trade policies of the government. Net Foreign Debt: Foreign debt can be defined as the amount, which a nation has to repay to the overseas lenders ( 2017). The foreign debt of Australia represents a fall from $1,056,125 million to $990,599 million from the economic year of June 2016 to the year July 2017. The reduction in the foreign debt is largely because of the strong government policies towards international trade relations with other nations. Valuation of dollar: The domestic value of Australian currency in relation to the American Dollar value helps in ascertaining the value of the currency in terms of the exchange rates. Findings from the analysis suggest that the valuation of the currency does not represents large volume of change ( 2017). The value of currency for the year 2016 in September stood 0.75:1 against the USD, which in the subsequent year of September 2017 stood at 0.80:1. This is primarily due to the improved trade relations of Australia with other nations across the world. Three key issue: The projected next twelve months can lead to rise of numerous issues in the Australian economy. Few of the major issues are highlighted below; The adoption of the new system of taxation by the Reserve Bank of Australia is anticipated to lead an impact on the labour market, employment creation and the aggregate productive level of the Australia (Bober 2016). Several findings from the study has highlighted the issue that improper implementation of tax policies might result in increased tax burden on workforce that may deprive the workforce of higher savings. As a result of this, there might be an instances of reduced savings among the domestic households and ultimately result in negative implications on the Australian economy. According to the recent data it is found that the prevailing rate of wages has been considerably low with wages standing 694.90 AUD$/week. Such lower wages might introduces the instances of stagnant economy and rise in the rate of unemployment in Australia. With higher instances of unemployment, the productivity of the Australian domestic industry might fall in the projected twelve months. Increasing pressure of populations with rise in the medical cost are jointly anticipated to contribute in the rise of the consumer price index of Australia in the projected time (Connell 2016). Because of decreasing unemployment and increase in demand the aggregate price level is projected to rise that might result in negative impact on the Australian economy. The rising population has additionally applied increasing pressure on the prices of the houses that might create a problem of housing unaffordability in the Australian economy. Conclusion: On arriving at the conclusion, the above-defined explanation has represented a significant change in the performance of the Australian economy from the year 2016 towards the conclusion of the first half of the year 2017. The Australian economy faces threat from the housing sector with rising population pressure and burden of higher prices can be regarded as the threat to the economy. On the other hand, present policies of taxation and policies of employment creation can be viewed as the positive implications on the labour market. Therefore, it can understood as having a component of economic recovery from the issues faced by Australia in the recent years. An important consideration for the Australian government to rule out the problems of inflation, lower wage rate and increased CPI is through strong monetary and fiscal policies. Reference List: Argy, V.E. and Nevile, J. eds., 2016.Inflation and Unemployment: Theory, Experience and Policy Making. Routledge. Bober, S., 2016.Alternative principles of economics. Routledge. Case, K.E., Fair, R.C. and Oster, S., 2014.Principles of economics. Pearson Higher Ed. Connell, J., 2016.Rural change in Australia: population, economy, environment. Routledge. Frank, R.H., Bernanke, B.S. and LUI, H.K., 2015.Principles of economics. McGraw-Hill Asia. Gregory, R.G. and Smith, R.E., 2016. 15 Unemployment, Inflation and Job Creation Policies in Australia.Inflation and Unemployment: Theory, Experience and Policy Making, p.325. Sloman, J., Norris, K. and Garrett, D., 2013.Principles of economics. Pearson Higher Education AU. Taussig, F.W., 2013.Principles of economics(Vol. 2). Cosimo, Inc.. (2017).Australia Balance of Trade | 1900-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2017]. (2017).Australia GDP | 1960-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2017]. (2017).Australia Inflation Rate | 1951-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2017]. (2017).Australia Unemployment Rate | 1978-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2017].